Estancia El Palomar, Cordoba, Argentina


"If adventure has a final and all-embracing motive, it is surely this: we go out because it is our nature to go out, to climb mountains, and to paddle rivers, to fly to the planets and plunge into the depths of the oceans… When man ceases to do these things, he is no longer man."

-Wilfrid Noyce-

One of our favorite lodges in Argentina is in the province of Cordoba, nestled in the hills, near one of the most productive dove roosts in the province.  We built El Palomar several years ago, primarily as a resort for the owner.  We soon saw the opportunity to convert it to a hunting lodge, since it’s at the foothills of a beautiful hunting area.  From your shooting position on the side of the hill, you have shots coming at you from every direction – even from below you.  You’ll be looking across a valley connecting more hills, and you get to watch the birds as they fly across the valley from one hill to another.  One of the most visual of all our hunting locations, it’s a great spot to take photos, in addition to trying to catch up with the birds flying about you.  We love to entertain anyone enjoying challenging shots, so if you want to work on high birds, we have a post for that.  If you want to shoot birds flying up from the valley below, we have a post for that.  You tell us what you’d like to do, and we can place you in unique positions on the hill, that will satisfy the most discriminating hunter.  Here we have six double occupancy rooms, within walking distance of the hills, although to save time and energy, we’ll get you to your reserved position, with a short walk.  You won’t have to worry about how far the hunting area is from the sleeping area, because you are sleeping at the foot of the hills where you shoot!  This is certainly one of our most popular locations, and home to millions of doves.

duck hunting lodge in argentina

Estancia El Palomar, Cordoba, Argentina